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best time
to invest into Ukraine

Ukraine is the land of opportunities. The biggest financial risk today is not to invest in Ukraine today.

Of course, thanks to international aid and grants, the country will be able to survive, but only private funds can give an impetus to economic growth and help rebuild an even more progressive country.

Ukraine is a dynamic European country that is improving the business climate in order to compete at the global level, creating new business opportunities.

Ukraine is the new technological center of the world, the granary of Europe with the most fertile lands and huge tourism and investment potential. The main direction of the country’s leadership is sustainable economic growth through the development and implementation of a package of fundamental reforms.



  • guarantees of investment security in war and post-war times.

  • risk insurance from international organizations

  • guarantees of partner states

  • G7 guarantees

  • government loans and grants

  • Diya.City virtual economic zone offers various benefits

Where to invest?

  • Military industry ($43 billion of investment potential).
  • Protection of the state and guarantee of the country’s security in the future. After all, one of the most capable armies in Europe — the Armed Forces of Ukraine — will continue to require constant equipment.
  • The development of the military-technical and defense-industrial complex will strengthen the country’s export potential.
  • Innovative technologies ($11 billion of investment potential).
  • Ukraine was the first to transfer the majority of personal official and state documents to digital solutions.
  • Ukraine ranks 4th in the world in terms of the volume of financial transactions using mobile devices. It is the fourth largest user of cryptocurrency in the world.
  • Metallurgy and metalworking ($26 billion of investment potential).
  • Ukraine has experience in high-tech metallurgical processes and a full cycle of titanium and titanium-containing products. Able to maintain a niche in the market of direct recovery cast iron and “green” metallurgy.
  • Energy ($177 billion of investment potential).
  • The country can generate tens and possibly hundreds of gigawatts of “green” electricity and millions of tons of “green” hydrogen.
  • Agro-industrial complex ($34 billion of investment potential).
  • Ukraine is considered the “granary of Europe”, but it will also be the “food basket” of the world.
  • Ukraine seeks to increase processing capacity, develop industries with high added value, such as meat, milk and dairy products, horticulture, etc.
  • The country has significant reserves of coal, iron ore, natural gas, manganese, salt, oil, graphite, etc.Natural resources (investment potential $5.6 billion).
  • Ukraine is rich in mineral resources in high concentration and in close proximity to each other.
  • Logistics and infrastructure ($123 billion of investment potential).
  • The geographical location of Ukraine makes it an important transit corridor for trade.
  • Logistics is one of the most important branches of the economy with an extensive network of railways and highways, sea and river ports, airports.
  • Woodworking and furniture production (investment potential of 5 billion dollars).
  • Ukraine can become the continent’s furniture factory.
  • Ukraine has a resource base and convenient logistics for the delivery of finished products.
  • Pharmaceuticals ($19 billion of investment potential).
  • Ukrainian pharmaceutical enterprises meet international standards, most production facilities have been partially restored in accordance with GMP.

…New opportunities await you in all branches of the country.

Some facts about Ukraine

In 2020, Ukraine rose another seven positions in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business ranking to the 64th position out of 190 countries. Ukraine will continue to do everything possible to encourage those who are already successfully working in Ukraine to invest more and will make every effort to become even more attractive and hospitable for future investors. 

The largest country in terms of area among those whose territory lies in Europe. The territory of Ukraine is 603,500 square kilometers.

Ukraine’s geographic location combined with 17 free trade agreements with 47 countries (including the DCFTA with the EU) allows Ukraine to act as an important transit corridor for trade and travel between Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

The legislation of Ukraine provides not only state guarantees of investment protection, but also various tools for stimulating investment activity. At the national level, this is exemption from paying value added tax and income tax (the list is defined in the Tax Code of Ukraine) and exemption from import duty taxation (the list is defined in the Customs Code of Ukraine). At the local level, investors may be given incentives for paying real estate tax, land tax, and land rent.

Investing in land is an opportunity to contribute to the development of Ukraine, because the money stays inside the country. This is a patriotic step that contributes to the growth of GDP, stimulates the economy and ensures its stability.

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