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Terms and Conditions


By using, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and accept these terms of use as the terms governing your access to and use of the website and the Service, and you agree to be bound by them. If you do not accept or agree to be bound by these Terms, you must not use the website.

You acknowledge and agree that is a private site and is available only to entities and individuals of legal age who can enter into legally binding agreements under applicable law. If you do not meet the requirements, you are not allowed to use the website.

Your access to and use of the Service is also subject to your agreement to and compliance with the Company’s Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy describes our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information when you use the Service or the Website, as well as your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

Terms and definitions

“Business Event” – are large gatherings where professionals engage in business activities, such as selling services, conducting research, or meeting with clients.

“Membership” – the state of belonging to or being a part of a group or an organization.

“Consultation” – A consultation appointment with a team professional.

“Service” – a service that provide treatment or consultation virtually or offline.

“Investment” – an investment is a purchased asset or money invested with the goal of generating income in the future. Investments are also made to benefit from future appreciation of the asset.

“Networking” – is the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or interests.

“Advice” – means the advice of a physician, lawyer, certified public accountant, actuary or other licensed professional advisor.

“Business” – organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.

“Information” – facts provided or learned about something or someone.

“Public Offer Agreement” is a public agreement, a sample of which is posted on the Website and the application of which is mandatory for all Sellers, which contains the Seller’s offer to purchase the Product, the image of which is posted on the Website. the site is intended for an unspecified number of people, including Buyers.

“Contract” is an agreement between the Company and the Advertiser regarding the provision of Services to which these Terms apply.

“Acceptance” – acceptance by the Buyer of the Seller’s offer to purchase the Product, the image of which is posted on the Website by adding it to the virtual cart and sending the Order.

“Buyer” – any legal person, legal entity, individual entrepreneur in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, who has visited the Website and intends to purchase a certain Product.

“Seller” – any legal person, legal entity, individual entrepreneur in accordance with current international and Ukrainian legislation, who are the owners or distributors of the Goods and intend to sell them through the website.

“Advertising” means branded content, sponsored content, buyer/seller announcements.

“Advertiser” is a user who places an advertisement on the site.

“Order” – Your order for services, set forth in an e-mail addressed to the manager of Your account with the Company.

“Product” is the online advertising platform provided on the Website and in the Advertising Service Package.

Public offer contract

Under this Agreement, one party, the Seller, on the one hand, and any person who accepted the terms of this Public Offer Agreement – the Buyer, on the other hand, hereinafter the Parties concluded this Public Offer (hereinafter the Agreement) addressed to an unlimited number of persons, which is an official public by the Seller’s proposal to conclude with the Buyers a contract of sale of Goods, the photos of which are posted in the appropriate section of the .

Sellers who intend to sell Goods or Services through the, and Buyers, when purchasing Products whose images are displayed on the relevant pages of the Website, accept the terms of this agreement, as set forth below.

Contractual relations between the Seller and the Buyer are drawn up in the form of a Public Offer Agreement. Clicking on the website in the appropriate section “Purchase” means that the Buyer, regardless of status (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur), in accordance with current international and Ukrainian legislation, has taken into account the terms of the public offer. agreements listed below.

The public offer contract is public in accordance with Articles 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, its conditions are the same for all Buyers regardless of their status (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur). In full agreement with this Agreement, the Buyer accepts the terms of ordering, payment and delivery of goods by the Seller, responsibility for an unscrupulous order and non-fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement.

This Agreement enters into force from the moment of clicking the “Buy” button, by which the Buyer agrees to purchase the Goods available from the Seller and make a full settlement with it.

To regulate contractual legal relations under the Agreement, the Parties choose and, if necessary, apply the legislation of Ukraine. If the international treaty, the binding consent of which has been given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, establishes different rules than those established by the legislation of Ukraine, the rules of the international treaty shall be applied.

Scope of the Contract

The Seller undertakes to sell the Goods on the basis of the Order placed by the Buyer on the relevant page of the Website under the conditions and in the order specified by this Agreement, and the Buyer, as well as the Buyer, undertakes to purchase the Goods and pay for them under the terms and in the order specified in this Agreement.

The seller guarantees that the Goods are not pledged, are not subject to dispute, are not under arrest, and also have no rights of third parties.

The Seller and the Buyer confirm that this Agreement is not a fictitious or fictitious agreement or an agreement entered into under the influence of pressure or deception.

The seller confirms that he has all the necessary permits for conducting business activities that regulate the scope of legal relations that arise and operate in the process of executing this Agreement, and also guarantees that he has the right to manufacture and/or sell the goods without any restrictions, in accordance with the requirements the current legislation of Ukraine, and undertakes to bear responsibility in case of violation of the rights of the Buyer in the process of execution of this Agreement and sale of the Goods.

Rights and obligations of the Seller

The seller must:

fulfill the terms of this Agreement;

fulfill the Buyer’s order in case of payment from the Buyer; deliver the Goods to the Buyer in accordance with the selected sample on the relevant page of the Website, issued by the Order and the terms of this Agreement;

to check the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the Product during its packaging in the warehouse;

inform the buyer about a possible additional fee when paying for European orders with such cards as Mastercard, Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard Electronic, Maestro, indicating in this contract.

The seller has the right to:

unilaterally suspend the provision of services under this Agreement in case of violation by the Buyer of the terms of this Agreement.


A business entity from among persons offering for purchase on the Website Goods in accordance with the uniform agreed rules set forth in this public offer agreement.

Rights and obligations of the buyer:

The buyer must:

timely pay and receive orders under the terms of this Agreement;

read the information about the Product posted on the Website, when receiving the Product from the person who delivered it, verify the integrity and completeness of the Product by inspecting the contents of the package. In case of detection of damage or incompleteness of the Goods, record them in the act, which must be signed by the person who handed it over to the Buyer together with the Buyer.

The buyer has the right to:

place an order on the appropriate page of the Website;

require the Seller to comply with the terms of this Agreement;

inform about possible additional commission when paying for European orders with MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro cards.

Order procedure

The Buyer places the Order on the relevant page of the Website by adding the Goods to the virtual basket by clicking the “Add to cart!” Button, or by placing an order by e-mail or by phone number specified in the contact section Website

The term of formation of the Order is up to 2 working days from the moment of its registration. If the Order is sent on a weekend or holiday, the formation period begins on the first day after the weekend.

Responsible person – FOP Kuznetsova Lyudmila Vasylivna

Intellectual Property

No Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights: All intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, database rights, design rights, copyrights and all inventions, confidential information.

Privacy and Disclosure

At, we are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of our members and online visitors, and protecting their personal information. Any personal data we have received and provided by you will be shared by us. We respect the privacy of users and online visitors.

We do not sell or share information with unaffiliated third parties.


We are committed to ensuring the security, integrity and confidentiality of personal information provided on our Website and periodically update our security measures in light of current technology.

Data ownership

All data collected in connection with any Advertisement shall remain the property of the Company.

Refund Policy

The materials on this Website are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property laws, and any unauthorized use of the materials on the Website may violate those laws.


We are under no obligation to accept your order or publish any advertisement you place and cannot guarantee the placement, special position, date or classification of any such advertisement or title distribution. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of our failure to comply with this relationship. We may reject any order (in whole or in part) prior to (any) publication by notifying you and (if rejected) in such event we will refund any advance payment but shall have no further liability. We may carry an advertisement that has not been inserted into the next relevant issue of the title.

If you place an order but do not provide copy/artwork by the publication deadline, we may repeat any previous relevant ad of yours for which we have copy or use a filler and in any event charge you the full price of your order .

We are not responsible for:

any errors (including but not limited to spelling and typographical errors), typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the Advertisements, evidence of which has been agreed to by You;

any errors (including but not limited to spelling and typographical errors), typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the Advertisement if we are notified of the error more than one week after its publication;

any error (including but not limited to spelling and typographical errors), typographical error, inaccuracy or omission in the second or subsequent Advertisement in the series;

any errors (including but not limited to spelling and typographical errors), typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the Advertisement which do not detract from the substance of this Advertisement.

If we discover an error (including but not limited to spelling and typographical errors), typographical error, inaccuracy or omission, we will, at our option, either publish the corrected advertisement or, depending on the payment method, issue you a credit note or refund your credit/debit card, up to an amount not exceeding the price of the Advertisement, and this will limit our liability for errors, typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions. If an Advertisement is placed on the Website, we are not responsible for the availability of the Website, and if we are unable to publish the Advertisement for a reason beyond our reasonable control (force majeure), we are not responsible for not publishing the Advertisement .

In addition, you agree to:

Use the Website in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage or impair the performance of the Website or interfere with any other party’s use of the Website, including their ability to participate in real-time activities through the Website.

Use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access the Website for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any material on the Website.

Use any manual process to monitor or copy any material on the Website or for any other unauthorized purpose without our prior written consent.

Use any device, software or procedure that interferes with the proper operation of the Website. Introduce any viruses, trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or other material that is harmful or technologically harmful.

Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of the Website, the server on which the Website is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to the Website.

Attack a website using a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

Otherwise, try to interfere with the proper operation of the website.

Disclaimer is not responsible for any inaccurate/misleading information/advertisement. It is the end user’s responsibility to research/verify/accept content in good faith. is not responsible for the consequences of any actions taken based on the information provided on the website. Advertising, buying and selling through is only available to individuals who demonstrate all valid and legal requirements to enter into a valid contract that is legally binding.

The Site and all information and materials contained on or accessible through the Site are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

We may change these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. These changes will apply to the provision of advertising services after the effective date of the changes. You and we will be bound by the terms and conditions in effect on the date of your order.

The governing law

The laws of the country, excluding its conflict of laws rules, govern these Terms and your use of the Service. Your use of the Service may also be subject to other local, state, national or international laws. The laws of the country, excluding its conflict of laws rules, govern these Terms and your use of the Service. Your use of the Service may also be subject to other local, state, national or international laws.

For European Union (E) users.

If you are a consumer of the European Union, you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you live.

Compliance with US law

You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is embargoed by the United States government or that has been designated by the United States government as a “terrorist supporting” country, and (ii) you are not listed in any which United States government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

Changes to these Terms

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change or replace these Terms at any time. If the change is material, we will use reasonable efforts to provide notice at least 30 days before any new terms become effective.

What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.

By continuing to access or use our Service after these changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Terms. If you do not agree with the new Terms, in whole or in part, stop using the Website and the Service.

Privacy Preferences
When you visit our website, it may store information through your browser from specific services, usually in form of cookies. Here you can change your privacy preferences. Please note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our website and the services we offer.