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Welcome to Avikini Family

Welcome to the office of Maryna Katz. We are experts in the field of consulting, offering a wide range of services for entrepreneurs, all types of businesses for company formation, investment, purchase/lease/investment in real estate, IT and retail business in the Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Ukraine. We also provide fruitful connections in local industries, we arrange networking for our clients to meet the right people.

The world is changing. Be the first to get into the trend and invest in tomorrow. Gulf countries and Ukraine are the future. In the next decade, they will develop and prosper economically. They will build incredible, high-tech, innovative, powerful, luxurious countries. They will lead the world. And we are here to help you successfully enter this new world.

open your business in 24 hours
Invest in the Gulf countries

The region is experiencing a large-scale economic transformation. GCC countries have created an attractive investment climate to stimulate investment activities. Politically and socially stable countries, unchanged investment conditions contribute to the attraction of investments in all types of industry. Customs fees, bureaucratic and procedural restrictions are minimal or absent for all transactions, including repatriation of foreign capital; legislation is designed to provide incentives and tools that could help increase the return on investment. "Vision 2030" is an ambitious program of socio-economic reforms. The three key themes of Vision 2030 are the development of an ambitious nation, a prosperous economy and a dynamic society. It will also include government programs for foreign investors to protect their assets and help them grow and increase income. The region is an ideal gateway to the Middle East, Africa and South Asia, offering high-class infrastructure, security, luxury and easy access to regional and global markets. These countries have earned a reputation as one of the best investment destinations in the world, allowing businesses to be competitive and innovative. A very strong and stable economy that supports long-term sustainable growth in both the private and public sectors. The region is also home to some world-class exhibitions, events, Hollywood performances, upcoming premieres and even weddings. It's the next hot spot for everything. 

invest in ukraine

Ukraine, even during the invasion, still offers excellent investment opportunities, this is the best time to invest in the country and reconstruction projects. The war did not destroy the interest of Western investors in Ukraine. Despite the invasion and high security risks, Ukraine has a lot to offer pragmatic foreign investors. More than a third of the member companies of the European Business Association had or have investment projects in Ukraine in 2022-2024. The most attractive investments in Ukraine are the IT industry, agribusiness, pharmaceuticals, energy, transport and infrastructure, construction, FMCG. Interest in military technologies and the military/defense sphere is growing – among global companies, about a third are interested in cooperation with the state defense sector. Over the past two years, Ukraine has demonstrated economic strength even in difficult times, the country has proven that your investment interests will not suffer even in difficult times. Investments in Ukraine are investments in a future EU member. And all this is located in the geographical center of Europe. Ukraine strives to create a level playing field for everyone, implement vital changes for Ukraine and digitize all public services, making them transparent, convenient and efficient. Projects financed by the European Union and the reduction of security risks will cause an avalanche of funds to rebuild the country.

What We Offer

We provide various services to order. Caring for our customers and our reputation is in our DNA. We advise, plan and develop projects, help with documentation, investment management, help in finding the best real estate for investment, help with orientation in the region. Property management, if necessary as a personal concierge. Business management if for some reason the owner cannot move there. Networking: one of our top priorities is to help our clients connect with the right people in the industry to build long-term partnerships, grow their business and take it to the next level. We know that you can't do anything without connections. And we also know how hard it is to get the right database to work for you.

We offer all types of consultations required by clients.


We help in the process of preparation of documentation for the creation of a company, purchase/rental of real estate, etc. We advise whether everything is correct.

Concierge membership

This service is intended for clients who for some reason are unable to relocate or manage an office and hire staff in the country where we offer our assistance once they have established a business there.


Upon request, we provide all the necessary information, note that this is not like a consultation. We do research, we collect all the information and facts about a certain industry, or local companies, etc. Everything our client wants to know before moving, or just need urgent information about some company or need to check the reviews of potential partners. When the internet doesn’t help, we step in and do a great job.


Connections are the most important thing in any business. Our close-knit team with local elite contacts can help you improve, grow your business or simply start a new one without the headache. We’re not here to waste your time or ours, we’re here to get ahead of the curve.


We represent the interests of our clients in the region upon request. Details are discussed at the meeting.

We add a client’s business to our database for promotion through our private connections, which currently number 347,000 and growing.

time & cost savings

We do our best to provide the fastest possible results. We save you busy time searching for information, setting up business and more. We also help you save money because we know the best way to improve while spending less.


We offer privacy and security for all our customers. We protect your data at any cost. We only recommend work and information that we have previously reviewed and verified.



We care about our reputation, so we hire and work only with the best experienced and proven personnel and partners. Over the years, we have gained beneficial connections in all spheres of the Persian Gulf and Ukraine, and even throughout the world. It’s not a task we can’t do.

Get all the advantages

We are bold and ambitious. Our goal is always to achieve the best results for our clients and each other. We relentlessly focus on innovation, efficiency and flexibility to meet our clients’ business needs and deliver results that exceed their expectations.

Time management
be the the first in  future investments.

No, you don’t have to become our regular client to get the first, second or even hundreds of consultations. You can get a consultation at any time convenient for you.

Two-way communication is very important in the consultant-client relationship. Many of our consultants communicate by email or phone. Regular contact with you is critical in order to provide updates on your case and receive further instructions. We are also available on WhatsApp. Any way convince  for our client is suitable for us.

No. We do not work on a commission basis.  We work only at the fees agreed with you before the start of the trip.During our first consultation with clients, we make it very clear that we do not charge additional fees unless there is something beyond our control that was hidden during the formation.

Because we offer different services that span multiple countries, we offer several different ways to charge our customers. It all depends on the projects, when you just need information or advice, or you want us to do all the work for you, or you need us to introduce you to someone, etc. We usually charge by the hour or 50% at the start of the job and the other 50% at the end of the job. Membership is available if you plan to become our regular customer and need us to continue to do all the work even after the projects are finished, for example looking after the tenancy of your new property, helping with new business, or keeping in touch with new contacts, to grow your business.

Some communications between a consultant and a client are strictly confidential. We never pass on information about our customers to third parties. We keep it private. You can be 100% sure of it. We care about you and protect our reputation.

Membership is one of our services that we offer to our clients that so-called “all-inclusive package”. This package is intended for clients who for some reason cannot relocate or open an office and hire staff in the country where we offer our assistance. Then we do everything for them for membership fees agreed upon before starting work on the project.

We mainly specialize in investments, real estate, cyber security, trade. IT sector and jewelry.


online Consultation
Criminal defense
Family disputes
Broker fraud
Domestic violence
Domestic violence
Intellectual property
Criminal defense
Family disputes
Broker fraud
Domestic violence
Domestic violence
Intellectual property
membership concierge
Criminal defense
Family disputes
Broker fraud
Domestic violence
Domestic violence
Intellectual property
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